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Ron Marinari

What Is Mediation & The Process For Divorce?

What's Mediation?

What's Mediation? This is a common question we get here at Florida Mediation Firm. Unlike litigation, Mediation is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution. A mediator's role is to facilitate communication between parties that assists them in focusing on the primary issues of their dispute. Unlike opposing attorneys, taking the side of their clients, mediators remain impartial—generating options that meet both parties’ interests in an effort to resolve the conflict and keep the parties away from a courtroom battle. 

According to Honeyman & Yawanarajah (2003), lawyers often believe that the purpose of mediation is a rapid and efficient settlement of a particular case … mediation is more to improve relationships among parties who will have to deal with each other again or even help them to learn how best to handle conflict with other parties in the future.

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What Is Mediation For Divorce?

So what is mediation for divorce? In the state of Florida, divorce mediation is one of the best-kept secrets. Most couples who face divorce are unaware that if the parties end up before a judge, they will order the divorce proceeding to be reviewed by a mediator. One of the options that divorcing couples have is to mediate their entire agreement (custody, child support, division of property and debts, alimony, etc.) without an attorney. This is what mediators are trained to do. Once the parties form a full agreement, the mediator could assist the parties to finalize the dissolution of their marriage by pointing them to their local courthouse—which in most cases the cost is under $500 or to hire an attorney to file the divorce. If the above option is agreed upon, the parties’ savings could be substantial and the finalization rapid. 

Read More Info On Divorce Mediation

What Is The Mediation Process?

There are basically five stages to a successful mediation.

  1. The introduction to mediation
  2. Identifying the problems and interests of the parties
  3. Gathering information
  4. Bargaining
  5. Drafting a settlement 


Honeyman, Christopher and Nita Yawanarajah. "Mediation." Beyond Intractability. Eds. Guy

Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: September 2003

Ron Marinari 

Florida Mediation Firm


15275 Collier Blvd, Suite 201-357

Naples, FL. 34119

#Whatismediation #Whatstheprocessofmediation #DivorceMediation #Whatismediationfordivorce #FloridaMediationFirm


Mediation for Child Support | Florida Mediation Firm
By Ron Marinari November 20, 2020
When children are involved in a divorce, it adds a layer of complexity to the process that deserves special attention. At some point in a divorce, the parties may request, or the Court may order mediation. Mediation opens lines of communication and allows parties to discover all settlement options to resolve their disputes. Everything said during mediation is confidential and (except as provided by law) may not be repeated to anyone other than the other party and/or the party’s attorney. Mediation gives parties more control over the outcome of their case, typically allows the case to be resolved quicker, and can save on the general expense involved in the divorce.
By Ron Marinari November 12, 2020
There are a variety of reasons for divorce. Many times, couples feel that divorce is unforgivable. There’s nothing further from the truth—a marriage that remains broken or abusive carries a much higher consequence than a divorce. There are essentially (10) choices that people make regarding a broken or abusive marriage. 1) Immediate discovery of marrying the wrong person and acting to have the marriage annulled 2) Early intervention to engage in spiritual or secular counseling to define and remediate the problems at hand 3) Attempting to change your spouse, only to find yourself failing in a variety of ways 4) Live in a state of denial—either believing that an average marriage represents the institution of marriage or believing that your marriage is fine, when in fact it’s dying 5) Have an affair—gaining short-term pleasure to replace the pain, and most times leads to a divorce or a contentious marriage 6) Agree to have an open relationship 7) Do nothing in the name of indifference, religion or guilt and become bitter & resentful— staying in the marriage against your will—potentially damaging the well-being of your children 8) Separation with the intent to negotiate terms for some type of positive intervention 9) File for divorce, and spend thousands of dollars on attorney and court fees 10) Engage in the process of Mediation and amicably accomplish numbers 8 or 9, quickly, and with far fewer costs
Low cost mediation for divorce in florida
By Ron Marinari November 5, 2020
According to NOLO, Mediation is much less time-consuming than going to trial for your divorce. Some couples work through all divorce-related issues in one session, while others may meet multiple times before reaching an agreement. The amount of time you spend in mediation depends on how well you communicate and what issues you need to resolve.
Church conflict florida mediation firm picture
By Ron Marinari October 15, 2020
Resolving Church Conflict is not something immune to the church. According to Christianity Today (2012), churches don’t split suddenly and without warning. There are usually signs of impending disaster. The challenge is to recognize these warning signs, or storm conditions, early and then act with godly wisdom before a storm hits with devastating force.
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