According to NOLO, Mediation is much less time-consuming than going to trial for your divorce. Some couples that use mediation work through all divorce-related issues in one session, while others may meet multiple times before reaching an agreement. The amount of time you spend in mediation depends on how well you communicate and what issues you need to resolve.
The price for mediation can range from
$100-$300 per hour.
Florida Mediation Firm will perform the following:
1.Carefully guiding you through a series of in-depth negotiations on the interests and issues you and your spouse (and children) face at the time of your divorce. This includes your parenting plan, timesharing, child support, alimony, division of marital property, and various other issues
2.Making sure you discuss, and work toward, finalizing a full or partial agreement on all topics required to peacefully and cost-effectively end your marriage
3.Developing an atmosphere whereby creative options are considered as potential solutions to your issues
4.Finally, future-proofing your agreement by providing the correct questions on what to do when circumstances change
Heinig, Melissa. How to create a divorce agreement with the help of a mediator—without going to court. NOLO
Ron Marinari
Florida Mediation Firm
15275 Collier Blvd, Suite 201-357
Naples, FL. 34119
#LowCostDivorce #MediationForDivorceInFlorida #MediationInFloridaDivorce #MediationFloridaDivorce #FloridaMediationFirm
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