Ron & Trish are the founders of Marriage University, an International Ministry that began in 2014. Married for thirty-five years, they have provided relationship advice for individuals through personal appointments, seminars, conferences, and online services. They have dealt with the primary conflicts that couples face—finances, resentment, communication, unity, mutual respect, and sexuality.
Relationships have disagreements, conflicts, arguments, and fights. However, fights will always be present if a relationship is worth fighting for.
So how do we reduce conflict in your relationship?
We will help you identify the root of the problem(s) and facilitate a discussion that will guide you in forming an amicable agreement to maintain peace & order within your open marriage or relationship.
What do unmarried couples do when they face conflict?
Less people today are getting married; instead they are forming open marriage or relationship agreements to protect themselves if they split.
These types of agreements are formed with stipulations and fair distributions in the event that the relationship is broken.
For example, if the parties purchase a car, boat, have pets, or a child. What happens when the parties are not married?
Additionally, there may be leases, a home, or automobiles, maybe unpaid debts. It is much more challenging to resolve these conflicts for people who are not legally married.
Therefore, relationship agreements protect the parties’ interests.
Sadly, most couples wait until their relationship or open marriage is nearing a split before taking any proactive approach to mending differences. The majority of the time, these couples find themselves meeting with a counselor and realizing their connection is severed. Moreover, after they accept they’ve waited too long, deep-seated conflict occurs, and legal action is usually enacted—costing outrageous amounts of money, time, and energy.
Relationship Agreements can be a proactive approach to avoiding a legal battle. They give couples a new perspective, one that is offensive rather than defensive. Playing offense in a relationship is vital to its longevity.
We will help you identify your interests and differences, and how they can affect your future— for better or worse. Then we will help you form the agreement that best suits you both.
Furthermore, we will address matters like communication, traditional background, culture, religious alignment, priorities, and sexual compatibility. All of these topics, and more, will be tailored to what each of you need to make your relationship more successful and secure.
Thank you for contacting us here at Florida Mediation Firm.
We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.